Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture we can keep our skin healthy & glowing all year round. Mei Zen (“Beautiful Person”) Cosmetic Acupuncture is a Chinese Medicine based system that treats the whole person – not just the face. This holistic approach works to balance the body and enhance the effectiveness of the cosmetic acupuncture, leading to longer lasting results, helping you look and feel more youthful and vibrant.
How does it work?
Cosmetic Acupuncture works to stimulate the collagen and elastin matrix of the skin which reduces fine lines and wrinkles for a healthy, glowing complexion. Meanwhile, the points on the body are selected to suit your specific constitution to improve your health.
What does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have to do with my skin?
No herbal medicines are needed for these sessions. Acupuncture itself is a technique from the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and in addition to working specifically with the TCM meridians and acupoints that are a part of the practice, TCM recognizes that our skin is a reflection of the state of our internal organs and emotions. This is where we get a holistic approach - working to bring the body, mind and emotions into balance at the same time.
How many sessions do I need?
You can see and feel a glow after one session, but for longer lasting results it takes 10 sessions within 10 weeks.
How much does it cost?
For new patients: 60min initial ~ $200
For returning patients or follow-up sessions: 45min ~ $160
What are the benefits in addition to the cosmetic effects?
There are many! Additional benefits can include:
Reduction in stress
Improvement in digestion
Reduced inflammation
Better sleep
Increased energy
Emotional balancing and grounding
Improved motivation
What else do I need to know?
It is advised to book a free, 10min meet and greet with our acupuncturist Laura Burns, to go over any additional information to see if this approach would be a good fit.
I’m in! What do I do next?
Give us a call to book now 613.767.6982 or book online at
See you soon, and let’s keep on glowin’