Join Dr. Reecha for an insightful session on understanding women's hormones, with a focus on managing hormonal imbalances. She will cover the different types of female hormones, key signs and symptoms to look out for, various ways to get tested, and effective strategies for maintaining healthy hormones.
Dr. Reecha is a Naturopathic doctor who practices virtually for all residents of Ontario. She has a special interest in pregnancy, postpartum and children's health. Her approach is to empower and educate families to make informed decisions around their own health, whether that includes navigating conventional treatments or seeking alternative therapies. She has supported many women with their hormonal health, including PCOS, perimenopause, endometriosis, postpartum support, and navigating pregnancy.
The talk will be hosted by the team (@meacentre) with Dr. Reecha joining virtually, see you there!