My New Year’s Ritual

By Laura Burns, R. Ac, R. TCMP

It’s that time again: the end of a year, a new one here.⁣

Have you noticed the pressure, subtle or not so subtle, that comes with a new year? For some, you may feel genuinely inspired to set goals and actions, but for many we’re just trying to undo the constant “Am I doing enough?” mindset of hustle culture.  

⁣The ritual I developed years ago can serve you in any capacity. I started with the following intentions: 

  • To find gratitude, even - or especially - if it was a tough year

  • To track and appreciate my experiences, growth, or lessons

  • To remind myself that I am enough

At the heart of the ritual, it’s taking an honest look at the question: Am I spending my precious time on earth doing what I value most? 

It’s a simple ritual, and simply titled: My Year in Review. I take my time with it over several days (especially now with a tiny human at home); it’s not about rushing, it’s about savouring and enjoying. 

This ritual looks back instead of forward: it appreciates rather than pressurizes. It celebrates rather than criticizes. It inspires rather than intimidates. 

If you’d like to do it with me, follow along…


  • Set a vibe: be it pouring a cup of tea or cocoa, lighting a candle, playing music you enjoy

  • Grab a journal and pen, or open up a note-taking document on your computer

  • Think of your life as a pie chart of key categories. Here are some categories to consider: Work / Friends / Family / Physical Health / Mental Health / Travel / Society / Arts & Culture / Love / Loss / Spirit / Education ⁣

  • Choose a few categories that feel most relevant to you. (One year I even included ‘Celebrity Sightings’ as a category - have fun with it!)

  • In point form, using your categories, write a few notes, memories, accomplishments, lessons learned. Tip: Looking back at a calendar or in journals helps me fill in the gaps as I review and digest the year.⁣

  • Take a moment to soak it in and give yourself some gratitude  

Too busy for a detailed reflection on your year? For a quick but also impactful version of this exercise: Take 3 deep breaths. Write out 5-10 things you’re deeply grateful for this last year. 

Then if - and only if - you would like to set intentions for your 2024, you can add this onto the ritual as a Part Two:

  • Use the same categories, or create new ones. 

  • Write down one or a few goals or intentions for each 

Some years, I have an extensive list of goals for the categories, whereas others I set just a few intentions that I can deeply explore as themes throughout the year. 

Questions to consider with Part Two of the ritual:

  • How do I want to feel, and how can I cultivate and radiate that energy outwards? 

  • Whether or not I have the perfect job, relationship, or family life, what are some intentions for how to show up in my integrity in the imperfect life I’m living right now? 

  • What’s one thing I regret not getting to do last year? How can that inform what I do or how I live this year?

  • What is something I’m curious about?

After completing this ritual, I like to ground it with a physical practice of some kind, be it yoga, acupuncture, or a meditation. 

I absolutely love using acupuncture as a physical and energetic tool to support people in embodying their health and wellness goals. If you’d like to book a session to reset and re-energize with the new year, you can find me at Natural Route Health.

And if you try this ritual, do let us know how it went - we’d love to hear from you. 



For more information and to discuss if Facial Acupuncture is right for you, book a free meet and greet with Laura!


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