Acupuncture improves insomnia
It’s 10pm! You’re exhausted from a long day. You go to bed, looking forward to the moment your head hits the pillow and it starts. The endless thoughts running through your mind. The tossing and turning because if you can just get into the right position maybe you’ll fall asleep. And then the frustration sets in. You think to yourself, WHAT’S HAPPENING??? I was exhausted just ten minutes ago! As someone who struggled with insomnia for many years… I get it!
We can help! Acupuncture is one way we can get you to fall asleep and stay asleep more consistently. Tired of feeling tired? Dreaming of the day you will wake up rested? We help our patients with insomnia all the time.
This 2009 study found that acupuncture improved more people’s sleep than medications alone and that they were equal when it came to increased duration of sleep.
If you’re eager to learn more and to see if acupuncture is an appropriate modality for you, book a consultation today!